The energy of February's full moon is here with fire from Leo & an intense charged union between Venus & Mars. This energy combined with the power of 2, amps up as we enter the gateway of the 2-22-22 portal.
Simplified, the universe is lighting a fire within each of us. The February full moon will peak on the 16th, putting emphasis on the home & family. Our heart spaces are opening & merging with our mind, bringing clarity to our wants & needs. Paths that were so unclear will begin showing themselves. Allow yourself to be one with this flow. Allow your intuition to let you know what steps to take. There will be more than one path to choose from. But there is no wrong path to take. It's up to you, what you wish to experience.
This is a time where it is possible, with ease, to make big strides & leaps forward & make confident, empowering decisions. Be one with this flow & the steps ahead will unfold like magic!!
Remember we are still surrounded by 2's as we settle into the year of the tiger!! Manifestation time!! Make those visionboards!! Make those moves forward!! Apply for your dream job! Ask for that raise, that you deserve! Start your business! Retire!
Dream big! Each day, from now until the end of the month focus on those dreams. Expand them in your mind. Allow your heart to imagine what it would feel like when you obtain these goals. Set time aside daily to daydream your goals coming true! Allow yourself to envision living your best life!!
Under this full moon with the support of the universe & all of its magic, there is currently a sacred union of passion & creation boosting our wishes.
Remember to be mindful of your words & thoughts at this time. Every thing is intensified, including our emotions & feelings of guilt & jealousy can easily appear. Be mindful of possible emotional outbursts. The best way to navigate through these intense feelings is to find a release & daydreaming will help calm these emotions.
Full moons are a great time to release energy that feels stagnant. Declutter your spaces again, including your aura with salt soaks or sage.
This lovely moon allows us to make space for new blessings while pulling energy towards us. Be the flow & fill your space with creative passion. Blessed be
