Through the dark tunnel her soul wanders forward.
She cannot see the pathway standing before her.
The air is thick and dry.
She finds comfort in the darkness.
No one can see her cry.
The winds of change cannot be felt by her,
As life had traumatized her into numbness.
She kept walking the pathway as it crumbled behind her.
Sealing off the past like a tomb.
The pathway forward emerged with every step she took.
She dragged her hands along the walls.
Her hurt hands trembled and shook.
The cold brick against her feet kept her stable
as her stumble became a strong stride.
Leaving one lifetime to begin another,
steadily moving with pride.
Like a snake shedding its skin,
she transformed into the soul that she always felt within.
The deep freeze is over.
And the planets have now aligned.
Her destiny, she would surely find.
She followed the pathway.
The ancestors leading the way.
She reached the opening of the tunnel.
She could finally breathe.
And as she wiped away that final tear,
She found herself exactly where she was supposed to be.
Down the pathway she goes.
Her soul finally feels free.
Her stride is now a flow.
* The picture shown is of a tunnel found at the gorgeous historic Merrick Art Gallery in New Brighton.
