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Writer's picture: milajaiboutiquemilajaiboutique

June is here, ushering in a wild change of energy. Named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, June is a month filled with celebrations of commitments. June is represented by the rose & honeysuckle & its gifts of love & generous devotion. Alexandrite, moonstone & pearl are associated June, bringing purity, good health & longevity.

June will be an intense time. As we enter the midway point of 2021, we are engulfed in these life changing energies of the universe.

June marks the start of a new cycle in your life. It's time to rise! This is the time to walk your walk & live authentically. It is a time to put egos in check, including our own & start living the life we desire.

Saturn & Mercury retrogrades mixed with the solar eclipse creates a boost of energy that forces each of us into unknown levels of self awareness for us to discover & explore. Saturn squares Uranus bringing urges of upheaval & tension. Clashes of ideas & perceptions will trigger almost everyone on some level. As Venus enters Cancer, our sensitive emotions will surface, putting attention into self care. Spending time in a nurturing environment will give you balance as emotions emerge.

June also brings us a solar eclipse that encourages us to work on our unique talents & abilities. You have changed, shifted in many ways & there is no going back. The eclipse will open up a door to access higher knowledge within to move you to the next level. But we must each decide to move forward, leaving the past behind & taking accountability of our own individual happiness.

Mars will move into Leo bringing mischievous energy, causing career changes & break ups. Allow these to occur. The universe is making room for new blessings.

Around the time of the solstice, Jupiter will retrograde & Mercury will become direct. Ancient civilizations believed retrogrades spark a time to go within & retrace steps before moving forward. With Mercury going direct, communication will improve, as well as clarity & focus.

Toward the end of June, the full moon in Capricorn will dance with square Neptune causing uncertainty around seeking healthy boundaries. This is a magical time to connect to your intuition, as Jupiter's energy will expand all that you focus on. Stay positive & clear with your words, actions & intentions this month. Allow yourself to observe the dismantling of illusions & protect your energy from others as this month will bring a mixed bag of emotions & mischievous tricks.

June is a beautiful time to enjoy the roses & begin to move forward. The chaos of June will clear away what is no longer needed for you to really live your best life. Allow yourself to let go & flow with the energies of the cosmos & you will experience a lovely, empowering time.

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